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Andrew is an air quality expert, with more than 30 years of experience in air quality assessment and related scientific fields.

He has specialist knowledge of dispersion modelling, odour assessment, health risk assessment, pollution control and air monitoring.

Andrew works closely with clients to help them comply with regulations and reduce impacts. He also manages Trinity’s Brisbane team undertaking air, greenhouse, noise and vibration services, ensuring consistently high quality output and efficient processes.

One of Andrew’s most exciting projects was stack testing at the Porgera gold mine and processing plant in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. The environment was breath-taking, the culture a different world and the work fantastic.

Other diverse projects and work include the Willawong waste incinerator health risk assessment, evaluation of accidental SO3 releases from sulphuric acid plant, review of the National Pollutant Inventory manual for explosives, management of spontaneous combustion, expert witness for afterburner compliance, training of mining inspectors from several countries in environmental assessment, and coordination of national electricity grid connection environmental impact assessment.

With a Master of Applied Science and a Master of Science in Environment Management under his belt, Andrew merges scientific rigour with practical field experience. He is also a certified air quality professional (CAQP) and a Fellow of the Clean Ait Society of ANZ.

Andrew is a passionate cyclist in an amateur racing team. He also has a long history in table tennis, culminating in umpiring at the Commonwealth Games.


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