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Sewage pump stations odour assessment

We help our clients to obtain approvals and develop strategies to manage odour generation in complex sewerage networks.

Why are odour assessments crucial for sewer networks?

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) generation is the main cause of odour emissions and corrosion in sewer networks. This has become a major source of air pollution and nuisance in urban residential areas, which poses a challenge to obtaining approval for new development projects.

Controlling H2S production in these systems is critical, particularly in complex networks where flows from several pump stations from different catchments are combined.

It is also challenging to design H2S control strategies in sewer networks for new estates with development staged over years, due to flow rates and detention times varying according to time of day and as the project progresses.

What are our odour assessment and mitigation solutions?

Trinity provides odour impact assessments to support development approvals (DAs) and environmental impact statements (EIS)/environmental approval (EA) applications for estates and residential development projects.

Our services include determining potential air quality impacts on nearby sensitive receptors and determining the maximum odour emissions threshold to meet relevant criteria. Moreover, we help to accurately calculate detention times and required pH values throughout the network to control H2S generation.

This ultimately helps to identify preferred chemical dosing locations and dosing quantities to suitably control H2S generation.

The analysis and results of Trinity’s assessments help our clients to obtain approvals and develop proper dosing strategies to control H2S and associated odour generation in such complex sewerage networks.

Why Choose Trinity

Trinity capabilities

At Trinity, we offer comprehensive air quality consultancy services to support sewer network developments for residential areas and estates at every stage of the project lifecycle.

Regulatory review

Emission inventory development

Meteorological modelling

Odour dispersion modelling

Odour control strategy development

How we work

Trinity’s air quality scientists and engineers collaborate with developers and diverse project stakeholders to deliver optimal solutions for each unique environment.

Throughout the project, we apply our experience and knowledge using leading scientific modelling and calculation techniques for sulfide generation and emissions from complex sewerage networks, along with our expertise in environmental regulatory requirements for assessing odour from major development projects. 

Talk to us about your needs today.

Trinity solutions

Talinga, Western Downs, Queensland