What are odour surveys?
Standardised odour surveys are an important tool for assessing the nature and extent of odour related to complaints. They also provide valuable information about the risks of odour from existing operations and activities.
Our comprehensive odour survey process includes identifying sources and characteristics, defining appropriate buffers (sources, boundaries and/or receptors), identifying the extent of plumes, reviewing complaints and considering fixed gas measurement points.
Where needed, we then incorporate odour surveys (using the dynamic plume method of BS EN16841-2:2016 Ambient air – Determination of odour in ambient air by using field inspection; Part 2: Plume method) and measurements.
Our odour surveys complement other tools including ambient odour measurement with portable diluters, source sampling, laboratory analysis, emission modelling and dispersion modelling.
Who needs air odour surveys?
We facilitate odour surveys as part of our broader odour management services, assisting clients to manage odour complaints, and meet ongoing compliance requirements and local regulations. Industries include:
- Landfill and waste management operators
- Food processing
- Animal production and processing
- Composting manufacturing
- Agriculture processing
- Glass manufacturing
- Fibre-glassing
We also collaborate with:
- Solicitors
- Planners
- Engineers
- Government and regulatory agencies
Why Choose Trinity
- Leaders in air quality consulting
- Wide range of odour services, including surveys
- Intimate understanding of state and local permits
Trinity capabilities
Trinity provides odour surveys as part of its comprehensive odour management services. We have a number of specialised odour survey capabilities.
Odour field surveys
- We can map the extent of site-wide and community-wide ambient odours using field olfactometry and GIS techniques.
- We conduct baseline odour surveys and investigative analyses through ambient odour monitoring using trained assessors.
- Our pre-screened assessors fall into a specific range of odour tolerance to ensure they are not overly sensitive or insensitive to odour.
- We also establish background odour at the beginning of surveys to ensure we fully understand the contribution of odour from upwind sources.
Peer reviews and expert testimony
- We offer odour peer review services for consultants and industry. Our qualifications and past experience enable us to provide reliable expert testimony and opinion.
Odour training
- We provide professional training in conducting odour surveys and two courses: 1) Fundamentals of Odour: Measurements, Modelling, and Minimisation; 2) Managing Environmental Nuisances: Odour and Noise.
- Courses are presented by our senior-level odour experts, who have contributed to numerous odour compliance and mitigation projects.
- Custom training courses on odour topics are also available.
- Courses are presented by our senior-level odour experts, who have contributed to numerous odour compliance and mitigation projects.
- Custom training courses on odour topics are also available.
How we work
Our engineers and scientists have decades of specialist experience in air quality and odour management.
They have an intimate understanding of state and local environmental approval requirements, and strong relationships with local regulatory agencies, which supports the delivery of comprehensive odour survey analysis and recommendations.
Talk to us about your needs today.