Wistari Reef marine benthic survey

Dunstans Construction Group, contracted to build the pipelines, commissioned Trinity to develop a possible exit point of the pipelines with the adjacent reefs to minimise impact to the reef.
Lyttelton Port water quality

How we helped Trinity’s water quality business, Vision Environment, is a long-term environmental monitoring partner at Lyttelton Port, Christchurch. We provide a total water quality monitoring solution for Lyttelton Port, including data collection, data processing, and data display and interface with our customised real-time project dashboards, as required. Involved from the very beginning of the […]
Gladstone Ports water quality and light

How we helped Trinity provided water quality and light monitoring at 15 sites for Gladstone Ports Corporation, as part of the port’s Clinton Vessel Interaction Project. Throughout the nine-month project, we ensured the port had high quality data, available via our custom online project dashboards, to enable real-time project management. Our work included: Implementing adaptive […]
Hay Point marine monitoring

How we helped Trinity undertook maintenance dredge water quality monitoring to ensure environmental compliance and best practice management for North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) at the Port of Hay Point. Trinity played a key role in the delivery of NQBP’s industry-leading adaptive monitoring and management program, which used real-time monitoring and our custom online dashboards […]
Cairns shipping upgrade air and noise

How we helped Trinity provided the noise, vibration, air and greenhouse assessments for an environmental impact statement (EIS), managed by Flanagan Consulting. A major challenge for the air quality assessment was the high variability of ship emissions depending on power load, sulfur content of fuel and scrubber technology. Trinity completed substantial research and consultation to […]