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Belmont Shooting Complex noise

How we helped

Trinity has provided acoustic engineering services addressing noise emissions from existing shooting ranges and from the new clay target range that was required for the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

Trinity has also provided architectural acoustic services for the Shooting Centre project.

The Belmont Shooting Complex has been operating for many decades and over that time there has been a gradual encroachment of residential developments. These changes have required clubs at the complex to undertake noise reduction measures, and Trinity has been involved with the noise monitoring, noise modelling and noise reduction work for over 10 years.

Noise reduction works have included noise barriers/bunds, application of acoustically absorptive materials, advice on limiting particular firearms, and assistance with design and testing of noise mitigation equipment. The implementation of these works has assisted the ongoing requirement to reduce noise impacts to the residential community.

In the lead up to the 2018 Commonwealth Games, Trinity undertook monitoring, modelling and assessment of a new clay target range, located at the site of a previous range. The games also required the redevelopment of the Shooting Centre with Mode Design architects and the Queensland Government Department of State Development. The use of high noise level firearms in an indoor environment led to the design of acoustic absorption treatments to the building, with the aim of improving acoustic comfort for the competitors, officials and spectators.

About the project

The Belmont Shooting Complex is located approximately 10 km south-east of the Brisbane CBD. It has been the home of a number of shooting clubs for many decades. The complex is the only shooting venue in Australia equipped to host all shooting disciplines within a single location. It was the venue for the Brisbane 1982 Commonwealth Games shooting competition, and was significantly upgraded for the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

The Complex is the home of a number of shooting clubs, including the Queensland Rifle Association, which is identified as being the oldest sporting club in Queensland, the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia and many others.

Please note, Trinity Consultants Australia is a merger of three former Queensland-founded businesses: ASK Consulting, Air Noise Environment, and Vision Environment. Many projects listed have been undertaken by current Trinity Consultants Australia team members, while operating under those former business names. Learn more about our history.


Queensland Rifle Association, Mode Design, Department of State Development


2010 - 2022


Belmont, Queensland



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