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Howard Sewerage Treatment Facility odour assessment

How we helped

Trinity completed odour and noise impact assessments for the proposed wastewater treatment
plant. These assessments are a critical aspect of the design to ensure environmental nuisance does not occur at the nearest residences during the operation of the plant.

Our extensive experience with odour emissions from wastewater treatment plants and sewerage
systems enabled us to compile an appropriate emission inventory for the proposed facility, based on
design parameters.

We predicted the extent of odour using the CALPUFF dispersion model. Our recommendations included good practice measures such as covering of key sources, filtration of captured odour and monitoring of operational emissions.

Trinity completed background noise monitoring to determine the low background noise in the area
and define criteria for on-site equipment to prevent noise impact. Equipment sound power
specifications were then calculated using noise propagation modelling.

About the project

The $6.8M Howard Sewerage Project will provide a new sewerage treatment facility in the Fraser Coast Regional Council area. It will service existing properties currently connected to the wastewater treatment system. In addition, it is intended to service new facilities, including a proposed aged care facility and the capacity for an additional 100+ connections to accommodate possible future expansion of the Howard commercial area. For more information, see the Fraser Coast Regional Council website.


Fraser Coast Regional Council




Howard, Queensland, Australia



Waste management

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