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Hay Point marine monitoring

How we helped

Trinity undertook maintenance dredge water quality monitoring to ensure environmental compliance and best practice management for North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) at the Port of Hay Point.

Trinity played a key role in the delivery of NQBP’s industry-leading adaptive monitoring and management program, which used real-time monitoring and our custom online dashboards and alert system to ensure the port could respond immediately to any exceedances or triggers in environmental indicators.

Our rigorous water quality monitoring for the project was conducted in three phases: pre-, during and post-maintenance dredging.

NQBP also wanted to ensure public transparency and community access to environmental information throughout the dredging program. Trinity facilitated that commitment through the creation of a custom community dashboard, which displayed real-time water quality monitoring data throughout the life of the project. We also installed a GPS tracker on the dredge vessel itself, which we plugged into the dashboard too, so people could check online and see where the vessel was at any moment.

About the project

In 2019, NQBP undertook maintenance dredging at the Port of Hay Point. The dredging was required to maintain navigational depths and ensure the ongoing operational efficiency of the port.

Natural sediment transport at the Port of Hay Point occurs as a result of wind and wave energy moving marine sediments in a northerly direction. This process results in sediments accumulating in some navigational areas and can affect the efficiency of the port, which is a critical export asset for the state of Queensland. Read more about the project on the NQBP website.

Please note, Trinity Consultants Australia is a merger of three former Queensland-founded businesses: ASK Consulting, Air Noise Environment, and Vision Environment. Many projects listed have been undertaken by current Trinity Consultants Australia team members, while operating under those former business names. Learn more about our history.


North Queensland Bulk Ports




Hay Point, Queensland



Ports and maritime

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