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Gladstone Ports water quality and light

How we helped

Trinity provided water quality and light monitoring at 15 sites for Gladstone Ports Corporation, as part of the port’s Clinton Vessel Interaction Project.

Throughout the nine-month project, we ensured the port had high quality data, available via our custom online project dashboards, to enable real-time project management.

Our work included:

  • Implementing adaptive management and mitigation measures to avoid and minimise potential impacts of dredging activities on sensitive receptor sites
  • Using real-time buoys that monitored turbidity levels and transmitted data directly to a custom client dashboard
  • Using custom instruments to measure continuous sedimentation rates, developed in-house by our own research manager
  • Measuring, in real time, benthic photosynthetically active radiation levels—meaning, how much light is reaching seagrass to ensure they are able photosynthesize—and transmitting this data to the dashboard too
  • Monthly manual water quality sampling to measure nutrients and contaminants
  • Running a separate, public-facing real-time data dashboard to meet client’s community engagement objectives.

About the project

The Gladstone Ports Corporation’s Clinton Vessel Interaction Project widened the Clinton Channel by moving around 800,000m cubed of material to increase the distance between vessels entering port waters.

Environmental monitoring and management was essential to project approvals and compliance. As a long-term water quality monitoring partner for Gladstone Ports, Vision Environment ANZ brought invaluable locational and environmental knowledge to the project. Read more about the Clinton Channel project on the Gladstone Ports website.

Please note, Trinity Consultants Australia is a merger of three former Queensland-founded businesses: ASK Consulting, Air Noise Environment, and Vision Environment. Many projects listed have been undertaken by current Trinity Consultants Australia team members, while operating under those former business names. Learn more about our history.


Gladstone Ports Corporation


2019 - 2020


Gladstone, Queensland



Ports and maritime

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