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Architectural acoustics

Maximise the functionality of buildings and public spaces by controlling noise and achieving diverse sound objectives.

What is architectural acoustics?

Architectural acoustics unifies architecture, physics and engineering. It is the practice of designing sound within a physical structure to achieve clarity, symmetry, envelopment, vibrancy and warmth.

Factors influencing good architectural acoustics include the functions and audience of the space; the constraints and limitations of the structures; the nature of audible sound sources and their wavelengths within the space; the sizes and shapes of the space; and the material types, density, finishes and textures for the passage of sound waves.

At Trinity, our team of specialists deeply understand the ways in which the three disciplines of architecture, physics and engineering connect. We can help you to enhance desirable sound and manage unwanted sound throughout your space or structure.

Who needs architectural acoustics?

Have you ever been in an elegant concert hall, watching an amazing performance, only to notice that the sound seems disjointed from the actions? Or perhaps you have dined in a funky new restaurants serving beautiful food, only to find yourself shouting to be heard by your dinner companions?

Have you been in a large hall such as a convention centre or train station, where you found it nearly impossible to understand the important announcement? Maybe you were at a basketball game where the sounds of crowd cheering, shoes screeching and the scoreboard buzzer drove you mad?

These are some of the many unfortunate situations that can arise when architectural acoustics are not designed properly or implemented well. A building may be aesthetically pleasing, but disastrous to our ears and very costly to retrofit. That’s why it is essential consider architectural acoustics from day one of development planning and design.

Trinity has provided acoustics solutions for all sorts of scenarios such as the above, as well as buildings including:

Many government agencies and local authorities also require certification of acoustic designs and construction, where specific acoustic objectives must be met as a condition of development approval. The certification may take the form of a statement from a qualified acoustician, a certification from a registered practising engineer (RPEQ) or a statutory declaration.

Why Choose Trinity

Trinity capabilities

Trinity provides full acoustic services from concept design to practical completion, in a range of scenarios and settings.


External noise and vibration

Review and testing

Compliance and certification

Modelling and software

How we work

At Trinity, we tailor our approach to suit your needs, helping to ensure you achieve your sound objectives and meet end user requirements.

We work closely with architects, planners, developers and constructors, providing acoustic advice from project inception throughout the whole project cycle. We can help you to identify your internal noise level and sound quality goals, and then bring together the right people, products and approaches to achieve those objectives.

We add immense value by bringing insights based on our local experience over the past 30 years, alongside international knowledge and experience contributed by our sister companies, Cerami in New York and AWN Consulting in Dublin.

Contact us today to find out how we can help provide archite4ctural coustic solutions for your next project.

Trinity solutions

Gold Coast, Queensland

Belmont, Queensland