What is odour management?
Odour management involves assessing and controlling odours caused by a complex mixture of chemical substances.
Assessment is achieved through observations of multiple factors including frequency of odour impacts, relative strength of odours (from faint to overwhelming intensity), duration of each odour event, character or description of the odour, and hedonic tone or pleasantness. Odour management also includes mapping the impact location and identifying potential off-property contributing sources.
Our experienced team are leaders in air quality science, offering diverse odour management services. We have an intimate understanding of state and local air permitting processes in many Australian and international locations, and strong working relationships with regulatory agencies.
Who needs air quality modelling?
We help clients across a wide range of industries to achieve compliance for new and existing odour permits and various local odour requirements. Industries include:
- Aggregate production
- Agriculture processing
- Animal production and processing
- Asphalt manufacturing
- Chemical manufacturing
- Food processing
- Landfills and waste management operators
- Compost manufacturing
- Mining and mineral processing
- Wastewater collection and treatment
- Oil and natural gas extraction and production
- Organics recycling
- Petroleum refining and distribution
- Pharmaceutical manufacturing
- Gas pipelines and compressor stations
- Pulp and paper manufacturing
- Surface coating and commercial printing.
We also collaborate with:
- Attorneys and lawyers
- Government and regulatory agencies
Why Choose Trinity
- Leaders in air quality consulting
- Wide range of odour management services
- Intimate understanding of state and local permits
Trinity capabilities
We offer diverse odour management services.
Odour source testing and ambient field
- We collect odour samples directly at the source. These are submitted for analysis to accredited odour panels or laboratories to obtain reliable, quantifiable results.
- We offer services for mapping site and community-wide ambient odours, using field olfactometry and GIS techniques.
- We also conduct baseline odour surveys and investigative analyses through ambient odour monitoring, using portable field olfactometers and trained assessors.
- Pre-screened assessors fall into a specific range of odour tolerance to ensure assessors are not overly sensitive or insensitive to odour.
- Establishing background odour through ambient monitoring is also an important technique in understanding the impacts of odour from off-property sources.
Odour modelling and assessment
- We use atmospheric dispersion models such as CALPUFF, AERMOD and GRAL for assessing odour impacts and compliance at sensitive points of reception
- Our odour modelling assessments typically use a source testing component to quantify odours directly at the source
- We have a strong understanding of regulatory standards and guidelines spanning Australian jurisdictions.
Odour emissions analysis and control review
- We have expertise in reviewing odour emissions information, completing building envelope studies to confirm the capture of odour emissions and analysing the effectiveness of odour control technologies.
Peer reviews and expert testimony
- We offer odour peer review services for consultants and industry. Our qualifications and past experience enable us to provide reliable expert testimony and opinion.
Odour training
- We provide professional training through two courses: 1) Fundamentals of Odour: Measurements, Modelling, and Minimisation; 2) Managing Environmental Nuisances: Odour and Noise.
- Courses are presented by our senior-level odour experts, who have contributed to numerous odour compliance and mitigation projects.
- Custom training courses on odour topics are also available.