Important Notice: Beware of Phishing Scam Impersonating Trinity Consultants. We have recently become aware of a phishing scam targeting companies in the sectors that we service. Scammers are sending fraudulent invoices. Click here for details.

With more than 25 years’ experience, Gary leads our air monitoring team. Widely recognised for his expertise in emission monitoring and air testing, Gary also delivers regular professional development and training sessions, both to our in-house Trinity team and beyond. Odour and occupational testing are also key specialisations.

Gary loves meeting people and is a terrific conversationalist, who is just as enthusiastic chatting about the latest environmental legislation as he is swapping stories about his favourite hobbies, such as wildlife photography on the savannas of southern Africa.

Combining these skills, Gary has built a long-term client base, becoming a trusted partner of more than 15 years for a number of organisations that leverage both his in-depth professional knowledge and his passion for the natural environment.

Gary has extensive experience in test methods for both the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Australian Standards. He has conducted sampling campaigns for most major global industries including mining, chemical, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, transport, food and utilities.

With a Bachelor of Environmental Science (Hons), he works closely with clients to provide regulatory testing programs and customised testing campaigns. Some of Gary’s favourite projects include working at sites in remote outback Australia, where the countryside and wildlife sightings are spectacular.

He’s always on the lookout for opportunities to put his camera to work in the great outdoors, as well as enjoying a spot of birding and sailing in his spare time.

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